
NASA released first audio and video of rover’s landing on Mars

New Delhi : NASA’s Perseverance Rover landed on Mars on February 18. Successful landing of this rover is a major success. After landing, NASA had told that Perseverance will capture pictures of Mars and also the sound from there. But now for the first time, the sound of Perseverance Rover has been released by NASA. This voice is from Mars, which Rover has sent to NASA. This sound is of the winds in Mars.

First video of landing released by NASA –In addition to the audio of Mars, a video of the landing of Perseverance Rover on Mars has been released for the first time by NASA.

A microphone was installed on the Perseverance Rover by NASA, but the microphone stopped working when the rover was landing. However after landing the microphone captured the audio and managed to send audio to NASA.

NASA engineers first heard the sound of Mars sent by the Perceived Rover. After which he said that this 10 second audio is of the winds on Mars, which was captured by the microphone and sent to us.

This 3 minute 25 second video released by NASA shows how the Perseverance Rover was launched on the surface of Mars. The rover was transported to the surface via parachute and protected through a heat shield. When the rover touched the ground of Mars, a smoke balloon formed. Regarding this, Michael Jetkins, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said that this is the first time we have captured any incident of landing on Mars. This is an amazing video.

Regarding Perseverance Rover, Surface Mission Manager Jesseca Samuels said that so far the rover is working exactly the way we were expecting. I am glad that the rover is completely fine and is doing activity.

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