
Biden close to becoming president, historic lead in Georgia

Washington : Counting of votes for the US presidency continues. Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who is heading towards victory, has got relief in Georgia. There was a big upsurge seen in Georgia under the US presidential election. So far, Donald Trump was leading here, but now Joe Biden has taken a historic lead. Biden was leading by about 1000 votes.

If he wins Georgia, he will come very close to the magic figure. To reach the White House, one must have 270 votes out of 538 electoral votes. If Biden wins Georgia and then Nevada or Arizona (both states he is leading) or Pennsylvania (where ballot counting is slowly slowing Trump’s hopes of victory), Biden will become the next president of the US .

Earlier, Biden told reporters in Delaware, ‘We are feeling very good with the kind of things we have. We have no doubt that Senator Kamala Harris and I will win when the count is completed.’ Kamala Harris was also present with Biden during this time. Former Vice President Biden also appealed to the people to be patient till the counting of votes is completed. He said, ‘I appeal to people to be patient. The process is in progress. The counting of votes is being done.’

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