
Gandhinagar Railway station gets 5 star hotel, Separate prayer room also set up for the first time in India

Gandhinagar : Gandhinagar Capital Railway Station is being developed by the Indian Railway Station Development Corporation. Work on the station is expected to be completed soon. The station is likely to be inaugurated by the Railway Minister in the third or fourth week of January. For the first time in the country, a separate prayer room has been set up at any railway station. Where passengers waiting for the train will be able to pray to God. A new building has been prepared for the station below the five star hotel building.

A lift-escalator installed to the left of the new ticket window
The building itself has an entrance to the platform from the main entrance below. All passengers must pass through a door frame metal detector. Entry gate has a way to get to a five star hotel. In which a lift-escalator has been installed on the left side of the new ticket window, so that the hotel building can be easily reached.

Arrangements including stalls will be made in the old station building
The old building will be vacated as facilities including the entry gate, booking will be made available in the new building. However, the office of another officer including the station manager will be in the old building at present. Book stalls, food stalls along with other essential stalls will be started.

Baby feeding room also prepared
Along with the prayer room, a baby feeding room has also been set up on the platform so that the female passenger can breastfeed the offspring. A treatment room has also been set up at the station to provide first aid to anyone with minor or major injuries. The entire station will be under CCTV surveillance.

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