
Surat : ‘Return My Rs 50,000 I Spent On You’, Demands BF After Breakup, Matter Reached High Court

Surat : There is a famous saying that there is no such thing as ‘free food’. On the same lines, a young man from Mehsana in Gujarat, said that there is no such thing as ‘free coffee’ and ‘gift’. The case is such that when the young man had a breakup with his girlfriend, he started asking for money spent on her during dating. When the girlfriend expressed her inability to return the money, the young man started abusing her. Troubled, the girl filed an extortion case against him. Now the youth has approached the High Court to quash the case filed against him.

The case is related to a young couple from Surat. A 27-year-old youth met a 21-year-old girl on social media. Both hail from the same village of Mehsana and belong to the same caste. The relationship between the two began in April 2018. In February this year, their relationship also ended.

In fact, the young man had requested his girlfriend to join him on a particular occasion. His girlfriend refused to accompany him citing the exam date. This led to a sarcasm by the lover, which led to the breakup. The woman then approached the police station in March and filed a case of extortion against the youth.

Girl filed complained to the police station
In the complaint, the girl has alleged that after the breakup, the accused youth started demanding Rs 50,000 from the girl. The young man claimed that he had spent this money on a girl. The girl refused to pay the money, stating her inability to have no source of income as a student. At this, the young man called her and started abusing and threatening her. After this, the girl blocked her phone number.

After a few days, he received a threatening message that if the girl does not return his (accused’s) money, he will share her pictures on social media. After this, the girl kept her phone off for a few days. However, the young man did not desist from his antics and he again called up the girl and demanded 60 thousand rupees.

Troubled, the girl lodged an FIR against the young man at the police station. In response to this, the youth has filed an application in the Gujarat High Court and demanded the cancellation of the FIR. In her appeal, youth termed the FIR as malicious and denied the allegations made by the woman.

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