
Patients with five or more symptoms of corona are at greater risk of ‘Long Covid

New Delhi : Generally, it is not necessary that two people suffering from corona have similar symptoms. The symptoms of corona seen in them can determine the severity of infection. Severe infection in coronavirus patients may also increase the risk of ‘long covid’. This means that people who have recovered from the corona may see symptoms for weeks or even months. Especially in high risk groups of corona, such as the elderly, overweight people, asthma patients may be at greater risk of ‘long covid’. Apart from this, people who have more than five symptoms of Covid-19 in the first week are also at highest risk. This has been claimed in a study done at King’s College London.

According to a King’s College London study, one in 20 people have been ill for eight weeks. This study also reported that corona symptoms have been found in patients without symptoms or mild symptoms, which may persist for months. This situation is Long Covid. This study, conducted by King’s College, London, found that people who had five or more symptoms in the first week of corona infection were at greater risk of getting long Covid.

According to this study on around four thousand patients in the UK and Sweden, one in four patients can see corona side effects, which can occur even after recovery. These side effects may be mild or moderate in nature or neurological effects. Another study conducted last week in the UK also found that the possibility of long covid can also be ascertained by a person’s age, his or her respiratory health, gender and weight.

According to a research study conducted at Oxford University in the UK, the coronavirus has been shown to be affected for several months in patients recovering from corona. Fatigue is common among people struggling with long covid. Other symptoms include difficulty in breathing, headache, muscle and joint pain, sight-hearing problems, decreased ability to smell and taste, depression and anxiety etc. are also seen in people struggling with long Covid.

Heart, lung, kidney and liver are also prone to damage after corona infection. Oxford University’s research on Long Covid states that,
– Patients continue to have problems even after recovery from corona
– The lungs and heart do not working properly
– 64 percent of patients have trouble breathing
– 26 percent patients have heart problems
– 29 percent have kidney problems and 10 percent have liver problems.

In the King’s College study, researchers made another interesting observation. Patients who are late in corona testing or who have made a mistake in the test are also more likely to develop symptoms of post Covid. Interestingly, corona symptoms in the first week can be classified into six different types of infections, which may further determine which are at greater risk of developing mild or severe infections.

Another study shows similar results in this regard. This study in a hospital in Rome, 87% of the 143 patients showed many symptoms even after two months of recovery. In these patients, symptoms such as cough, muscle aches, fatigue, diarrhea, as well as problems in the lungs, heart and kidneys have been found. The study, published in the American Medical Association journal JAMA, found fatigue to be the most common symptom in more than half of patients with chronic ‘long Covid’.

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