
COVID19 : Know how reusing face masks is riskier than totally not using it

New Delhi : Masks are an excellent way to protect yourself during an epidemic. Good quality masks can reduce the risk of infection by up to 70 percent. Many types of masks like – Surgical Mask, N95 Mask, Disposable Mask, in all these, Surgical Mask is very suitable. Reusable cloth masks are economical and environmentally friendly.

In fact, reusing the mask multiple times and avoiding the risk of Covid-19 infection is the best option. But new research has shown that using masks for a long time in an epidemic can be worse and more dangerous than not using masks. Researchers say that fabric and size are a major reason for the failure of surgical masks on reuse. After repeated use and exposure, the mask becomes loose on its actual appearance.

Fabric made using a variety of absorbent layers can also be blunt and less effective with more time. Using a computer model, the researchers said that the fabric of the mask not only changes the way air enters the mouth and nose holes, but also the condition and type of the mask affects the risk of infection. In comparison, the new, fresh masks provide greater protection and effectiveness. Previously used masks have very little effect, i.e. only less than 60 percent can filter the virus.

The second aspect to consider when choosing a reusable or surgical mask is to examine the type of fabric used. Due to environmental conditions and prolonged use, the fabric quality gets reduced. In such a situation it is natural that its effect will be less with more use. Care should also be taken while using cloth masks for fashion. According to experts, poor quality of fabric also affects the mask. A mask should be used for the purpose of covering the face.

Disposable masks should never be used for long. Reusable masks can also have an expiry date. The best time to change it or bring a new mask depends on many things. People travelling regularly or meeting with people or the medical community will need to change masks again and again.

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