
Al-Qaeda leader Al-Zawahiri dies of asthma, could not get treatment at last minute

New Delhi : Al-Zawahiri, the head of the dreaded terrorist organization Al Qaeda, died in Afghanistan. Citing sources in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Arab News claimed Zawahiri’s death. The report states that Zawahiri died of asthma and could not get treatment at the last moment. Prior to Jawahiri, the responsibility of this dreaded terrorist organization was on the shoulders of Osama bin Laden.

Information of his death was being shared on social media for some time. Jawahiri was last seen giving a video message on the anniversary of 9/11 this year. The journalist was also informed about this by tweeting the New York Times. Hasan claimed that Zawahiri had died almost a month ago. At the same time, Al-Qaeda of the American surveillance agency site never makes public the news of the death of its leaders.

According to a former Al Qaeda translator, Zawahiri died in Ghazni, Afghanistan. This has also been confirmed by the Pakistani security officer of the Afghan border area. According to Arab News, very few people were present at the funeral.

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