
Joe Biden gets fractures while playing with his dog

Washington : Newly elected US President Joe Biden has had an accident while playing with his dog. It is learned that his left ankle has cracked and he will not be able to walk without support for the next few weeks. Biden was playing with his German Shepherd dog ‘Major’ at the time of the incident. Biden has two such dogs. After this tragedy, President Donald Trump has prayed for Biden’s speedy recovery.

However, Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s personal physician, said the newly elected president had a sprained ankle and it could not be revealed in x-ray. A CT scan later revealed a crack in Biden’s left ankle. Biden may have to walk with support for the next few weeks, he said.

It is learned that Biden, 78, fell while playing with his dog. Joe Biden’s treatment was going on for an hour on Sunday under watch of experts in Newark. Significantly, Biden will now be sworn in as president on January 20 after winning the election. He has also started building his own cabinet. So Donald Trump is now slowly moving in the direction of defeat.

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