
IIT-Madras placed under lockdown, Over 100 students and mess staff tests corona positive

Madras : Coronavirus has wrecked havoc at IIT Madras. Of the 774 students present here, 104 students and staff members of the institution tested positive for coronavirus. For this reason, IIT-Madras campus has been placed under temporary lockdown.

Right now all work is being done here with limited capacity. At present, there are only 10 per cent students in the hostels. The institute said on Monday, “Covid test has been arranged for all the students staying in the hostel after receiving reports of students getting infected.”

104 people of the campus have been infected, after this the lab, library and many departments have been closed here. Soon after, the institute’s mess is closed and food is being provided in the students’ rooms. According to information received from the state health department, about 9 hostels and a guest house have been infected with the deadly virus.

According to IIT Madras, 22 in Krishna hostel, 20 in Yamuna, 3 in Alaknanda, 3 in Narmada, 3 in Tapti, 2 in Godavari, 4 in Tunga, 3 in Sabarmati, 5 in Saraswati and one case in guest house. It is worth mentioning that on December 9, the corona report of four people came positive. After this transition, the entire campus was sanitized and students were quarantined.

Students who wanted to return to research at IIT Madras were allowed entry for 14 days with the quarantine rules. There is less room capacity for quarantine and hence only limited students were allowed. Some of the project staff working on the research project who are residing in the city have also been allowed to work in the lab here from the government. A SoP was issued for this. Under this, the number of project staff and students in the lab was limited.

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