
How far is India from PM Modi’s $ 5 trillion economy dream?

New Delhi : PM Modi has set a target of making India a $ 5 trillion economy by 2024-25. However, due to the Corona crisis, it has been stalled. By 2025, the Indian economy will be 5 trillion dollars, it still seems a bit difficult. According to the report, the size of India’s economy is $ 2.9 trillion.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reported news of relief for the Modi government over India’s economic growth rate in 2021. The IMF has projected India’s economic growth rate to be 11.5 percent in 2021. According to India’s Chief Economic Advisor KV Subramaniam, India’s economic growth rate this year will be close to 11 per cent, more than any other country. India is the only country among the major economies in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic whose economic growth rate will be in double digits this year.

The Indian government has targeted to take the Indian economy i.e. India’s GDP to 5 trillion, but according to the situation at present, if the size of India’s economy keeps growing at 8 percent every year, then by 2030 the dream of a 5 trillion dollar economy will come true. To reach a $ 5 trillion economy by 2025, more than 12 percent of GDP growth will be needed annually. However, India is strengthening its entire ecosystem to achieve the target of $ 5 trillion dollar economy by 2025.

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