
Maker of Rafale Olivier Dassault dies in helicopter crash

Paris : A politician and scion of the Dassault aircraft-making family Olivier Dassault, died in a helicopter crash Sunday. President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to a captain of industry who “never stopped serving the country”.

Olivier Dassault’s aircraft crashed near Deauville in northern France. He died around 6 pm (1700 GMT), parliamentary and investigation sources told AFP.

President Emmanuel Macron said in a tweet that “Olivier Dassault loved France. Captain of industry, local MP, reserve commander in the air force; throughout his life he never stopped serving our country.”

Emmanuel Macron termed his death as “a great loss” and sent his condolences to Dassault’s family.

Sources close to the crash enquiry said the pilot of the helicopter was also killed, and that no one else was on board.

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