
Eric Trump asks people for facts & evidence of fraud, Biden appeals for financial help

New York : The suspense of presidential elections in America is going to be long. Ballot counting continues in four states. Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden has continued to lead, but the results of the remaining states can also turn around as the margin of votes between the two candidates is very low.

The Trump camp has also taken the electoral battle to court, while on the other hand, claims of fraud are being made in the election process. Not only this, Trump’s son Eric Trump has also made some tweets about fraud in the election. In one of his tweets, Eric claimed, “Over 223,000 mail-in ballots were sent to the wrong address in Nevada.”

In another tweet, Eric writes, “The amount of FRAUD being reported in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin is unreal. Please report personal experiences. Please have all facts and evidence. #StopTheSteal”

On the other hand, Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden appealed to the American people once again for financial help in the wake of the legal battle. Biden wrote in his tweet, “We’re fighting to ensure every last vote is counted across the country — and we need your help to do it. Chip in to the Biden Fight Fund to fuel our election protection efforts.”

Disappointed by the counting process on Wednesday, given the possibility of the Trump camp taking the election battle to court, Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden announced a fund razor campaign for financial help. In his tweet, Biden wrote, “To ensure that every vote is counted, we are setting the largest electoral security effort ever. Because Donald Trump cannot decide the results of this election – American People do. Cooperate to give strength to the new Biden Fight Fund.”

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s associate and vice-presidential contender, also appealed to US citizens to give US $ 5 to the Biden Fight Fund. Kamala Harris wrote in her tweet, “Last night, Trump threatened to go to court to stop all votes being counted – but our campaign to fight back is ready. Our work may go on for weeks, and your help is needed. Can you donate $ 5 to the Biden Fight Fund today?”

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