
TRP Scam : ‘Investigation Can’t Be Stop In The Name Of Freedom Of Speech’, Mumbai Police Files Affidavit in SC

New Delhi : A hearing is to be held in the Supreme Court today on the revelations of the Television Rating Point (TRP) scam conducted by the Mumbai Police in the past. An affidavit has been filed by the Mumbai police before the court hearing. In which the petition filed by Republic TV has been opposed.
The Mumbai Police in its affidavit termed the petition an abuse of legal process, and also sought to dismiss it with fine. The affidavit states that an accused in a crime in the name of freedom of expression cannot impede the agency’s work in this way.
Apart from this, the Mumbai Police has said that the accused cannot decide how the investigation will be in a case. Mumbai Police claims that other channels are cooperating in the investigation of TRP scam, only one channel is facing problems. In its affidavit, Mumbai Police has also attatched the official press release of Republic TV.
The Mumbai Police says that the investigation of the case is in its initial stage, so it cannot be handed over to the CBI in the beginning. It cites the old decisions of the Supreme Court itself, which says that the CBI should investigate only in exceptional cases.
Significantly, a few days ago, Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh revealed the TRP scam in a press conference. The Mumbai Police had claimed that some channels are buying TRPs by paying money, which is a fraud on the consumer and ad-payers.
Apart from Republic TV, two other Marathi channels were named in this case. The Mumbai police had detained the owners of two Marathi channels in this case, while summons were sent to officials of Republic TV and they were called for questioning.

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