
Gandhi Jayanti : Know What Bapu Used To Do On His Birthday

New Delhi : Whole country is ready to celebrate the 102nd birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. On this occasion, many programs are organized by the government and Gandhian institutions. People remember Bapu in different ways, for cleanliness to non-violence lessons. But do you know what Mahatma Gandhi used to do on his birthday and how he used to celebrate his birthday…

According to Gandhian Ramchandra Rahi, perhaps Gandhiji did not celebrate his birthday, but people used to celebrate his birthday. Referring to Gandhi’s statements 100 years ago, he said, 102 years ago, when Gandhiji told those celebrating his birthday in 1918, ‘It will be a test after my death whether it is worth celebrating my birthday or not. ‘

Ramchandra Rahi, president of the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, the mother organization of Gandhian organizations spread across the country, said that on this day, he used to pray to God, spinning wheel and remain silent most of the time. He used to celebrate this on any important day.

But today the government is organizing various types of celebrations on Gandhi Jayanti, programs are held. On this, Rahi told IANS, ‘The government organizes any event that has nothing to do with Gandhi’s thoughts. The government uses Gandhi’s name to fulfill their political ambitions.’

He said that if the government really wants to celebrate Gandhi’s birthday, then they should try to take society forward on Gandhi’s ideas. But the present government combines Gandhi and Gandhi’s birthday with cleanliness.

Sanitation campaigns are being organized by the government to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti. To this, Rahi said, “If you think about cleanliness then the first task should be that the sweepers in the country should be provided such facilities, so that they do not have to go into the gutter and do the cleaning. It is a shame for the government to push them to do such work.”

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