
These 7 Places On Earth Look Imaginary But They Really Exists

Mumbai : It is said that the world is very beautiful. There are such places on the earth, whose beauty can mesmerize you. Today we are going to tell you about some such beautiful places, which look imaginary, but are real.

1. Mount Roraima
9,222 feet high Mount Roraima, located in Venezuela, is surrounded by mist 8 months of the year. It connects three countries Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. This mountain looks like it has been built by a graphic designer.

2. Tunnel of Love
This is the ‘Tunnel of Love’ in Ukraine, which is one of the most romantic places in this country. It is so beautifully made that it looks absolutely imaginary.

3. Salar de Uyuni
Located in Potosí and Oruro, Bolivia, this place is named Salar de Uyuni. It is the largest salt field in the world. One who loves nature must visit it once in his whole life!

4. Mount Greenell
It is Mount Greenell located in the US state of Montana. This red colored hill is unique in itself. It looks like a fire is burning on the hill.

5. Stone Forest
Located in Yunnan Province of China, this forest is made up of mountains rather than trees. It is known as Stone Forest. This 270-year-old forest is spread in 349 kilometers, with some stone peaks extending up to a height of 30 meters. In this, the structure of some mountain peaks is such that upon seeing it, there is such confusion as if it’s a tree.

6. Crystal Cave
It would not be wrong to call Iceland’s Crystal Cave a dream world. It really looks so beautiful that people get confused after seeing the picture that this place really exists on earth or just a painting has been made.

7. Pink Lake
Pink Lake is located in northern Western Africa, near the Cape Vert Peninsula of Senegal, between a plain and the sea, called the Lake Sandbar. The water of this lake is pink in color. People come from all over the world to see it.

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