
America: Joe Biden begins transfer of power, launches new website & Twitter handle

Washington : After winning the presidential election in the US, Joe Biden has started the work of transfer of power and formation of a new government on Sunday. For this, he has launched a website called and a Twitter handle called @Transition46. The issues of Corona, economic reform, racial discrimination and climate change will be in front of Biden and Kamla Harris of Indian origin who is going to become Vice President.

Before the victory, Biden said, the public has voted for him to defend from the Corona epidemic and to work on the economy. He will start work on his plan from day one when he reaches the presidential office. He claimed that he would control the virus which has killed 2.36 lakh people in the country.

When the results of the US election came on Saturday, Biden won with 290 electoral votes from the Democratic Party, while his rival Republican candidate Donald Trump got 214 votes. With this, Joe Biden was elected as the 46th President in the US. At the same time, Kamala Harris became the first Vice President of America.

Before the victory, Biden had said, ‘We have to remember that our politics is not an unrelenting and endless battle. The purpose of our politics is to work for the nation. Not to provoke confrontation, but to solve problems. Justice has to be guaranteed. Everyone should be given equal rights. The standard of living of our people has to be improved. We can be rivals but, we are not enemies. we are American.’

At the same time, after the victory, Biden had tweeted, ‘You have chosen me to lead a great country like America, I am thankful for that. The work ahead will be difficult, but I promise you that I will be President for all Americans, whether you voted for me or not. ‘

77-year-old Biden has also become the oldest president in American history. November 20 is his birthday, that is, he will be 78 years old. On January 20, 2021, Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. The American election this time was historic in many ways, especially during the Corona epidemic. China, Corona, racial discrimination and climate change dominated the election. Apart from these, it happened for the first time in America which was not only historical, but also a matter of pride for India.

People of Indian origin living in America gained importance in this election. As a result, for the first time in the US, an Indian was made the Vice-Presidential candidate. Also, both presidential candidates were leaving no stone unturned to woo voters of Indian origin. However, it will now be seen what will be the meaning in the interest of India?

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