
Britain : Death toll from Corona crosses 1 lakh mark, PM Johnson takes full responsibility

London : The number of people who died of Covid-19 in Britain crossed the 100,000 mark on Tuesday, after reaching the peak of the epidemic last year. PM Boris Johnson has expressed grief and took complete responsibility for this.

Saddened by these deaths, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that ‘I take full responsibility for this. I am very sad. I would like to express my condolence to all those who have lost their loved ones, whose parents, siblings and sons and daughters have lost their lives.’

He said in a press conference that ‘our ministers have done everything possible to control it’. He also said that ‘the grief of the relatives of the dead cannot be reduced’.

He said, ‘After this incident, the country has a chance to learn, think and improve. It is a matter of relief that now there has been a decrease in cases after the introduction of the vaccine.

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Statistics from the National Statistics Office’s death assessment certificate reveal that nearly 1,04,000 people have died since last year.

“It is sad that we are now seeing more than one lakh deaths due to Covid-19,” said Chris Hopson, chief executive officer of national healthcare providers. Minister in charge for vaccination Nadeem Jahavi said, “We want all communities to accept the proposal for free vaccination and come forward to get the vaccine.”

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