
‘Eat burgers, but not ours’; Burger King tells customers to go to McDonald’s!

Mumbai : The Corona epidemic has paused the lives around the world. Thousands of companies and industries have been shut down due to lockdown to prevent the spread of corona. As a result, people have become unemployed.

Lockdown has been removed in many places and now everything is slowly getting better. In such times people have started helping each other. Some good things have come to light during this Corona period.

Surprisingly, Burger King has asked its customers to order McDonald’s burgers, which is its competitor. This has led to a large number of people praising Burger King on social media.

Everyone tries to dominate in business. All companies or shoppers have their eyes on how the other’s sales will decrease and how their business will increase. Inevitably everyone has a passion for profit and progress.

In the midst of such competition and survival, Burger King has surprised everyone by asking its customers to order a burger from the big competitor, McDonald’s. When Burger King did this, many people could not believe it.

Burger King tweeted this on November 2 in Europe. “We never thought that one day we would ask you to do this,” it said. We never thought of asking you to order food from another fast food chain like Pizza Hut, KFC, Domino’s, McDonald’s. However, thousands of people working in different restaurants around the world need your help.

The Corona crisis has caused worldwide outcry. Life is not what it used to be. However, the tourism and hospitality sector has been more affected. Even though unlocking is being done all over the world including India, it will take time to get back to the original place.

Burger King’s appeal comes at a time when the lockdown is being resumed in Europe due to the rise of corona. People around the world have also become emotional after this appeal.

Because in this, Burger King has considered the lives of the employees of the competing company without considering its own existence.

The second wave of corona has hit Europe. As a result, most countries have begun lockdown again. This is going to have an effect on people’s finances.

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