
Donald Trump bans 8 more Chinese apps in US

Washington : US President Donald Trump has once again banned 8 Chinese apps. Trump has banned these apps by issuing an executive order. Which includes 8 apps including WeChat, Ellippe and QQ Wallet. It is alleged that these apps are leaking information of users of these apps to the Chinese government.

The Executive Order of the President will come into force in the next 45 days which means that Donald Trump will not be in the presidency when these restrictions come into force. On January 20, America’s newly elected President Joe Biden is to be sworn in. Trump had previously banned the increasingly famous Chinese app TikTok. TikTok is a product of Chinese company Bite Dance. After the ban, the company went to court where it was relieved. The Court had found that Donald Trump acted beyond his power in imposing the ban.

This new order by Trump to ban Chinese apps has been brought into consideration. The US says that the government there has complete control over the app built in China. The US fears that government employees in the country may be tracked and information can be stolen through these apps.

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