
Mehbooba Mufti alleges she and her daughter again under house arrest

Srinagar : PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Friday claimed that she and her daughter Iltija Mufti have been placed under house arrest and not being allowed to go to the residence of party leader Waheed Parra in Pulwama. Parra was arrested this week by the National Investigation Agency (NIA). The former chief minister said that she has not been allowed to meet Parra’s family for two days, who has been arrested on “baseless allegations”.

Mehbooba tweeted, “I have once again been illegally detained. For two days, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has not let me meet Waheed Parra’s family in Pulwama. BJP ministers and their puppets are allowed to move everywhere in Kashmir but security issues arise in my case.” She said her daughter has also been placed under house arrest.

He said, “Atrocity has no limit. Waheed was arrested on baseless charges and I am not allowed to meet him to console his family. Even my daughter Iltija has been placed under house arrest because she also wants to meet Waheed’s family. The “People’s Democratic Party” (PDP) chief said that she will hold a press conference today on “different issues”.”

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