
Winter 2020 : IMD Predicts Winter Could Be Colder This Season Due To Prevailing ‘La Nina’ Conditions

New Delhi : This time, people in India have been complaining of scorching heat even in September and October month. But the Indian Meteorological Department believes that this time winter is going to be more cold, in such a situation people should be prepared.

On Wednesday, the DG of the Meteorological Department, Mrityunjay Mohapatra said that the winters this time will be more cold than before. The main reason for this is La Nina conditions, which will make the winter colder. He said that it should not be thought that due to climate change there is an increase in temperature, rather it brings change in weather.

According to the DG of the Meteorological Department, La Niña and El Niño influence have a very important role in deciding the weather trend in India. Due to La Nina we can expect more cold this time.

In a program by the National Disaster Management Authority, he said that La Niña conditions are favorable for cold winds, but El Niño conditions are unfavorable. According to the DG of the Meteorological Department, Rajasthan, UP and Bihar are the states where more deaths occur due to cold winds.

He informed that every year a chart is released by the Meteorological Department in November, which gives information about the weather from December to February.

Significantly, La Niña is a process, under which the water in the sea starts cooling. Sea water is already cold, but due to this, there is a coolness in it, which affects the winds. In El Nino, the opposite happens, both this directly affects India’s monsoon and winter season.

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