
Congress appointed six secretaries for Assam and Kerala in view of upcoming assembly elections

New Delhi : The Congress on Saturday appointed three secretaries for both the states in the assembly elections of Assam and Kerala, which will be in the role of an aide to the general secretaries in charge. According to a statement issued by the party general secretary KC Venugopal, Congress President Sonia Gandhi has appointed them with immediate effect.

Anirudh Singh, Vikas Kumar Upadhyay and Prithviraj Sathe have been appointed as secretaries of the All India Congress Committee for Assam. The trio will be in the role of an aide to Jitendra Singh, general secretary in-charge of Assam. Haripal Rawat and Sanjay Chaudhary have also been appointed for the role of Joint Secretary for Assam.

P Vishwanathan, Ivan D’Souza and PV Mohan have been made secretaries for Kerala who will work with Congress general secretary and state in-charge Tariq Anwar. Assembly elections are due in Assam and Kerala in April-May. The Congress is the main opposition party in these two states.

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