
Anti-Human Trafficking Squad frees 37 child laborers from Gujarat

Ahmedabad : The Anti-Human Trafficking Squad has released 37 children from the industrial hub of Danilimda and initiated legal action against those responsible. Ahmedabad’s Anti-Human Trafficking Squad received a report that child labor was being brought in some factories of the industrial hub of Danilimda in Ahmedabad.

Following which, the Anti-Human Trafficking Squad conducted a search operation last evening. A total of 37 children from different units were found doing child labor. All the children were released safely by the Anti-Human Trafficking Squad and kept in a child protection home.

The Anti-Human Trafficking Squad raided 5 to 7 units around Alexander Market in Danilimda. The anti-human trafficking unit raided a unit including a jeans factory and a dyeing factory and found 37 children from West Bengal, including Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. In which all these children were forced to work for 12 hours and were paid only Rs 6,000. The police have now started investigating through whom all these children came to Gujarat and who is the owner of all these units.

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