
Trump loses lawsuit in Michigan & Georgia, trial dismissed

Washington : The final result of the US presidential election has not been revealed yet. The Trump camp, which went to court over the election process in some states, has found disappointment in Michigan and Georgia. US courts have dismissed Trump campaign cases in Michigan and Georgia related to electoral malpractices.

In Michigan, the Trump campaign sought to stop the counting of absentee ballots, while in Georgia, it was alleged that improper ballots were also being counted there. But Judge Cynthia Stephens of the Michigan Court of Claims dismissed the suit on Thursday, stating that Michigan’s Secretary of State is not involved in the local counting process. A formal order will be issued on Friday regarding this.

In local media reports, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden from Michigan has been declared the winner. On the other hand, Judge James F. Bass in Georgia dismissed the lawsuit filed on behalf of the Trump campaign. “I rejected the request and dismissed the petition,” Bass said.

Lawsuits have also been filed by the Trump Campaign in Pennsylvania and Nevada. In addition, there has been a demand for recounting of votes in Wisconsin.

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