
Winter Superfoods : Eat these 8 things in winter, will help increase immunity, reduce weight

Mumbai : The winter season is coming and in this season the amount of food and drink of the people increases slightly. Due to overeating and reduced activity, many people also become obese during the cold season. In this season, good immunity is also necessary to avoid the flu and virus. Here we are going to tell you about 8 such delicious superfoods that will increase the immunity of the winter season but will not let you gain weight.

Root Vegetables
In winter, fresh root vegetables like carrot, beet, radish, turnip, onion are easily available. Make these vegetables a part of your diet in the cold. They get prebiotic to the body due to which weight loss comes easily. These vegetables are full of nutrition which increases immunity as well as improves digestion.

Millet is considered very beneficial in weight loss. It is eaten by making roti or laddus. Apart from this, it can also be eaten by mixing in khichdi. Vitamin B is found in Millet and is very good for hair. It makes the muscles strong, gives energy to the body and also controls weight.

Desi Ghee
In cold weather, ghee keeps the body warm from inside. Try to make lentils and vegetables in ghee only. Eat small amounts of ghee applying on the rotis. Ghee contains vitamin A, D, E and K. It not only enhances the taste of food, it also controls weight. The CLA present in desi ghee keeps the metabolism right, which does not increase obesity.

Peanuts are rich in protein. It is considered the healthiest snack of winter. You can also boil it, roast it or eat it raw. Some people also eat it by adding it to salads or vegetables. Eating peanuts does not cause hunger for a long time and you avoid eating extra calories. Peanuts contain vitamin B, amino acids and polyphenols which keep the body healthy. Peanut also keeps heart diseases away.

Green Vegetables
There are a lot of green vegetables available in the winter season. Include vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, mustard greens, mint, green garlic in your diet. There are many nutrients found in green vegetables that increase immunity. These green vegetables should be fresh and well washed. Eating green vegetables reduces swelling and burning of hands and feet in the cold season.

Homemade Butter
In winter, butter gives warmth to the body. Try to eat homemade butter only because it does not contain fat. Eat a little butter on roti or paratha. It can also be eaten by putting in greens and lentils. In winter, the skin becomes dry and butter keeps the skin hydrated. It also makes bones and the immune system strong.

Seasonal Fruit
In the winter season, eat seasonal fruits like apple, orange, pear or papaya. All these fruits make the immune system strong. To lose weight, eat them as snacks between lunch and dinner. These fruits contain fiber which is considered good for skin.

Bones and joint pain increases in winter. To get relief from this, include sesame in your diet. Sesame also reduces hypertension, which leads to better sleep. Vitamin E is found in sesame. It can be eaten as chikki or laddu. Some people also make chutney and eat it.

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