
MUST READ : Avoid these mistakes after getting a fracture for speedy recovery

Mumbai : Chirag (name changed) had an accident two months ago. His left hand was broken, plaster was done on this. Now those of you who have ever had plaster in life, will know one thing. After applying plaster, it causes terrible itch. The same used to be with Chirag too. So Chirag used to scratch it with a pencil or any sharp thing. After doing this for several days, Prashant started feeling pain there. He could not even see inside as there was a plaster.

When the pain and itching increased, Chirag went to the doctor. It was found out that he had a wound and the infection had spread there. Why did this happen? Because Chirag used to scratch with sharp things inside the plaster whenever he had itching. Now this mistake is very common. Not only this, after getting a fracture, people make many such mistakes, which can cost them dear. What are those mistakes, which you do not should do after the fracture, let’s know.

Dr. Dinesh Limbachia, Orthopedic (Gandhi Lincoln Hospital, Gujarat.) Told  –

1st mistake
# Some people do not consult a doctor after a fracture. After getting advice from Hakim nearby, get the bandage done.

# In such a situation, when the bandage is removed after one or two months, the bone may have joined, but it will not join in the right position.

# The capacity with which your hand or leg used to work before the fracture, will not be the same after such a mistake.

# Many times bone remains deform for the whole life.

2nd mistake
# People do not follow doctor’s advice completely.

# Doctors treat fractures in two ways. Either by applying plaster or by surgery.

# In both cases, people are said to take care for one to one and a half months.

# It is said to take medicines and exercise after surgery. It is asked to take care of the body part where the operation is done. It may take 4 to 6 months for the routine to be the same after the fracture.

# You may have an infection because of not doing care properly.

# Adjoining joints can have stiffness.

# In the case of plaster, due to lack of proper care, the bone can move from its place and does not attach to the right place.

3rd mistake
# Low intake of calcium and vitamin D.

# Supplements of calcium and vitamin D are given after fracture, but sometimes their sources in the diet – like milk, green vegetables, eggs, are less.

4th mistake
# Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco for a long time.

# After fracture, it should be reduced to a minimum.

# These things slow down the natural process of rejoining bones.

# It leads you to suffer from bone completely not joined or delay in natural process.

5th mistake
# Doctors call for checkup every few days after fracture, but patients do not go.

# It may take 4 to 6 months for the routine to be the same after the fracture.

# During that time you have to go to the hospital at a routine interval. So that the process of bone joining can be monitored.

# If there is a need to change medicines in between, then the doctor will tell you. So that the process of joining the bone continues in a natural way.

# Must go for regular checkup.

Now you know which mistakes you have to avoid. But what are the tips that physiotherapists give to people after a fracture so that the bones can heal properly. Physiotherapist Dr. Nishant Tejwani, Physiotherapist, Gujarat said –

# When plaster is done, fat rich food means fat should be taken less.

# Calcium rich food should be taken more. Like almonds, green vegetables, milk, cheese, etc.

# If calcium level in bones is increased, bones join quickly.

# Plaster, strap or bandage should not be removed by the patient without the advice of the doctor.

# Do not massage and rub the place with any substance without the advice of the doctor, nor should it be stretched and straightened. If there is no movement in that joint, then you should not try to bend yourself with force.

# It is very important to sunbathe.

# Sunlight is necessary to maintain vitamin-D in bones.

# It provides vitamin D-3.

# Vitamin-D is necessary for fracture healing.

# Sit in the sun for 20 minutes to half an hour between 11 am and 2 am.

# While sunbathing, make sure that the broken bone or that area is open.

# Keep clothes to a minimum, so that your body can directly be exposed to sunlight.

# Muscle stiffness can be felt when the plaster opens. To overcome this, do the stretching exercises described by the physiotherapist.

# After the plaster is removed, the fractured area swells and hurts. At this time, apply a cold pack (ice) or hot pack as advised by your physiotherapist.

If you want your bones to be safe after the fracture, then keep all these things in mind and must follow.

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