
Punjab : 3 year’s jail if anyone forced farmer to sell grain below MSP

New Delhi : Protests are taking place in different parts of the country against the agricultural laws brought by the central government. Meanwhile, a proposal against these laws was tabled in the Punjab Assembly on Tuesday. Punjab has become the first state to do so. On Tuesday, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh moved the resolution in the Assembly.

It has been included in the proposal that if the farmer is forced to give a crop below MSP, then the person doing so can be imprisoned for up to three years. Also, if pressure is made on farmers, land and crops by a company or a person, then a proposal for penalty and jail has been brought.

Three agricultural laws brought by the central government have been criticized in this proposal. After presenting the proposal here, CM Captain Amarinder said that apart from the three agricultural laws, the changes made in the electricity bill are also against the farmers and laborers. This will not only affect Punjab, but also Haryana and West UP.

Three new bills were introduced in the Assembly against the laws of the Center, which are completely different from the laws brought by the Center and make the MSP necessary. The Punjab CM has appealed to the farmers sitting on the railway track to now end the picket and return to work, saying that the government will fight a legal battle against these laws for them.

In this proposal, an appeal has been made to the Central Government to bring a fresh ordinance, which should include the MSP. Apart from this, the process of government agencies should be strengthened. Captain Amarinder appealed to everyone during this period and said that political parties will have to unite on this issue.

During this time, the Punjab CM also took a dig at the Aam Aadmi Party MLAs and said that some people are spending the night in the assembly, someone is coming on a tractor. Nothing will happen with these, there is no benefit from the demonstration unless we fight unitedly against the Center. CM announced that now the state government will fight further legal battles on the basis of this bill.

It has been included in the proposal that according to the constitution, the issue of agriculture is in the hands of the state government, but the Center has decided on its own which is a violation of the rules. In this case, the final decision should be on the states. After Captain Amarinder, Navjot Singh Sidhu also spoke in the assembly session and opposed the agriculture law of the Center.

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