
Scientists Predict That Corona Will Become A Seasonal Flu, But We’ll Have To Wait For Long

New Delhi: A new review published in Frontiers in Public Health suggests that COVID-19 will become seasonal flu-like in countries with different climate changes. But before that, collective immunity must first be achieved. Senior author Dr. Hassan Zaraket, who wrote this study at Lebanon’s American University of Beirut, has said that until then it will continue to spread in all seasons for years.

These findings point to the need to control the virus in the field of public health. Until collective immunity is achieved against it, it will continue to spread like this year after year. So the public has to live with it, wear masks, follow social distancing, and adopt the best prevention measures. Cleaning of hands and trying to avoid gathering in groups will also have to be done.

According to a study by the Lebanese American University of Beirut, the virus will change its form in different climates but if antibodies are developed for it, it will become seasonal flu in almost all countries. According to a study published in Frontiers in Public Health, the corona virus can appear in many forms until antibodies are acquired. However, it will have a higher transmission rate than other viruses such as the flu.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged the global community to help the UN system and particularly the World Health Organization (WHO) in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. This summer, the United States formally announced its withdrawal from the WHO in July 2021, after repeatedly criticizing the WHO’s failure to deal with the epidemic. WHO was disbelieved by US State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus. The WHO declared the coronavirus an epidemic in March.

Schools and colleges were opened in Pakistan five months after decline in the Corona cases. At present, high schools and colleges have been opened, while classes from class 6th to 8th will start from September 23 and primary schools will be opened from September 30, officials said. Under the guidelines, no more than 20 students can be accommodated in a class. The students are divided into groups. Masks are mandatory for teachers and students.

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