
Oxford Dictionary Added New Word ‘Covidiot’ For Those Who Do Not Obey To COVID19 Guidelines

New Delhi : You must have bumped into such people who openly refuse to follow the guidelines issued in the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic. What would you tell such people? The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary has now given a new word for such people, this word is Covidiot (Covid + Idiot). You can also see it on his website.

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) is Oxford University Press’s largest English-language dictionary, published for non-native people. Several new words such as social distancing, contact tracing have been added in the era of COVID-19 epidemic. Apart from this, many such words, idioms and abbreviations have been included in its list.

Usually, the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary announces the addition of new words to its list every three months for the past 20 years. It usually announces new words in the months of March, June, September and December. But in the year 2020, it also announced new words several times, which have been used due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

These words have been included in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary which are directly or indirectly related to the epidemic:

Corona, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Covidiot, Deep-Clean, Elbow Bump, Elbump, Contact Tracing, Community Spread, Community Transmission, Flatten the Curve, Hand Gel, Hand Sanitizer, Health Professional, Herd Immunity, Hot Zone, Zoom Bombing, Quarantine, doom scrolling, hydroxychloroquine, encove, panic buying, patient zero, personal protective equipment, PPE, self isolate, self isolation, self-quarantine, shelter in place, social distance, social distancing, weight market, WFH, work from home.

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