
PM Modi inaugurates three multi-storey buildings for MPs

New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated multi-storey flats for members of Parliament House at Dr. BD Marg, Delhi through video conferencing. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla was also present on the occasion. These buildings have been completely modernized. For this, full care has also been taken of the environment.

These flats are being built on Dr. BD Marg in New Delhi. Eight bungalows over 80 years old have been removed and 76 flats have been built. Despite the impact of the coronavirus, a savings of about 14 percent from the approved cost and construction of these flats has been completed ahead of time.

During this, PM Modi congratulated the MPs for the new house. He said that the construction of many buildings started during this government and ended before the scheduled time. During the time of Atal ji, the discussion of Ambedkar National Memorial started, it was built by this government. After a long wait of 23 years, Dr. Ambedkar International Center was built by this government.

PM Modi said that the new building of the Central Information Commission was constructed by this government. Thousands of policemen in our country have given their lives to maintain law and order. In their memory also the National Police Memorial was built by this government.

These flats have been constructed under the Green Building concept. For this, fly ash bricks made of debris from collapsed buildings have been used. To increase energy efficiency, it includes LED light fittings, sensors for light control, air conditioners equipped with VRV systems to ensure low power consumption, water-saving low-flow basins, rainwater harvesting systems and solar panels have been installed on roofs of buildings.

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