
COVID19 India : Total cases exceeds 77 lakhs, 55000 new cases in 24 hours, 79000 cured

New Delhi : The total number of corona infected in India has reached beyond 77 lakhs. However, out of these 68 lakh 74 thousand people have been cured and the number of active cases has come down to 7 lakh 15 thousand. So far, one lakh 16 thousand 616 patients have lost their lives.

According to the latest data from the Health Ministry, 55839 new corona cases have been registered and 702 corona infected have lost their lives in the last 24 hours. 79415 patients have also recovered on the previous day. After America, the highest number of corona cases and deaths are increasing in India.

The number of people recovered is eight times more than the number of active cases of infection. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have the highest percentage of active cases, mortality and recovery rate of coronavirus. According to ICMR, a total of 9.86 million samples of coronavirus have been tested till October 21, of which 14.69 lakh samples were tested yesterday. The positivity rate is around five percent.

There are less than 20,000 active cases in 22 states/union territories of the country. More than 50,000 active cases are being reported only in Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Most active cases are in Maharashtra. India is second in the world in active case. India is the second most affected country in the world by number of corona infections. India is on number three in deaths after America and Brazil.

It is a matter of relief that a steady decline in mortality and active case rate is being recorded. The death rate fell to 1.51%. The death rate in India is one of the lowest among the countries of the world. Apart from this, the rate of active cases which are under treatment is also less than 10 percent. With this, the recovery rate is 89 percent. The recovery rate in India is constantly increasing.

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