
Coronavirus spread in US before China, Claims US CDC report

New York : Until now, the whole world has believed that the coronavirus has spread from the Wuhan city of China, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report is the opposite. It is making new disclosures about the Corona epidemic. According to this government study, the coronavirus started spreading in the US only in December last year.

According to the report, the virus was later found in China and the Health Administration got its first case after a month. Let us know that since the outbreak of Corona, America has been continuously accusing China of spreading the virus. This new study may increase tensions between the two countries.

This is claimed in the CDC report
According to a US media institute, the study has bolstered the evidence that the virus was spreading worldwide before the health administration and researchers learned about the infection. The CDC studied 7389 blood samples collected from the American Red Cross. Of these, 106 were found to be infected.

These samples were taken between December 13 and January 17 last year. These were subsequently tested to see if they contained antibodies of coronavirus. Researchers in the report said that it is possible that SARS-Cov-2 arrived in the US in December last year, while it is believed to have arrived later.

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