
LinkedIn Report : Female Workforce Participation Increased In India During Lockdown

New Delhi : A LinkedIn report said that the participation of women employees increased during the lockdown implemented in India due to the coronavirus epidemic. According to the report, the share of women employees increased from about 30 percent in April to 37 percent at the end of July. The reason behind this is said to be the strong support from live-in help and grandparents as well as flexible working hours.

The second edition of its report ‘Labor Market Update’ has been released by LinkedIn. According to this report, recruitment for jobs continues in India and gender equality has also improved. According to a LinkedIn report, appointments rose 25 percent in the month of July compared to June. This report also said that the risk of a second wave of coronavirus infection is still a risk. According to the report, further improvement could be affected due to weak economic outlook.

Lockdown measures implemented to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection globally have a significantly greater impact on female employees’ participation. LinkedIn’s global analysis showed that hiring women in many developed countries followed a U-shaped trajectory in 2020, which fell in April before recovering in June and July. However, India has succeeded in maintaining and even increasing gender equality.

According to the report, in India, work from home has certainly led to an increase in gender equality as well as an increase in female representation in key sectors. APAC Chief Economist Pei Ying Chua of the Economic Graph team at LinkedIn said, ‘The lockdown promoted acceptance for Work From Home, supported by flexible working hours, for women to rebuild their careers and start it afresh. Opportunities have increased.’

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