
TTP responsible for 100 terrorist attacks last year : UN report

New Delhi : A UN report said that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a terrorist organization responsible for more than 100 terrorist attacks in just three months of last year, has been tasked with re-uniting several smaller terrorist groups in Afghanistan. This is expected to increase the danger in Afghanistan and the region. Al Qaeda was operating these small terrorist groups.

The 27th report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions team says that the TTP has allegedly worked to reunite small terrorist groups in Afghanistan, which Al Qaeda was operating.

The report said that it is expected to increase the risk in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the region. It states that five groups pledged allegiance to the TTP in July and August, including the Shehrayar Mehsud group, the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, the Hizb-ul-Ahrar, the Amjad Farooqi group and the Osman Saifullah group (formerly known as the Lashkar- was known as A-Jhangvi) is included.

According to the report, this increased the strength of the TTP and as a result increased attacks in the area. The report states that according to an estimate, the number of combatants in the TTP ranges from 2,500 to 6,000. The report states that the TTP is “responsible for more than 100 attacks in countries across the border between July and October 2020”.

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