
Calamine lotion can cure these skin related diseases, Know how to use

Mumbai : Doctor often recommends calamine lotion to overcome many skin problems. But do you know what is this calamine lotion and which skin related problems can be cured by applying it. Let’s know.

Calamine lotion is a mixture of zinc oxide and iron ferric oxide. Nutrients like glycerin, purifying water with phenol, calcium hydroxide are also found in it. Calamine has been included in the list of essential medicines by the World Health Organization. The anti-inflammatory properties present in it overcome many skin problems.

These problems can be overcome by applying calamine lotion-
Rashes –

Often, due to sweating in summer, the problem of rashes or prickly heat increases in the body. To avoid that, you should use calamine lotion.

Acne –
If you also have inflammation and acne problems, then apply calamine lotion to the inflamed area and massage it. The anti-inflammatory properties present in calamine also help in removing inflammation and removing acne.

Sunburn –
The iron and zinc present in calamine lotion protect against the sun’s harmful UV rays. If your skin is burnt due to the sun’s harmful rays, then you should immediately apply calamine lotion. The cooling effect present in it relaxes the scorched skin from the sun.

Pregnancy –
During pregnancy, women have an itching problem in the lower abdomen. But the use of calamine lotion provides relief in burning sensation and itchiness.

Oily Skin –
Calamine lotion works like a mattifying primer. Due to the glycerin present in it, the skin does not dry and remains moisturized.

How to use calamine lotion-
Shake the bottle well before applying calamine lotion. Now take cotton and take calamine lotion on it. Gently apply lotion to the skin with cotton. Allow the lotion to dry in the skin. Keep in mind that do not apply this lotion near the eyes, nose or mouth.

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