
250 terrorists present on launch pad in PoK, Pakistan may increase tension on border

New Delhi : With the onset of winter season, there is no denying that Pakistan may increase tension along the Line of Control (LoC) to divert attention from its internal issues. A top commander of the army said this. Lt. Gen. BS Raju, the Chief of the Army’s 15th Corps, said there were reports that 200 to 250 militants were present on the launch pad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), trying to find a way for the infiltration.

Strategically important, it is responsible for maintaining surveillance around the core Line of Control and combating terrorism in remote areas. The top commander of the army also talked about the recently concluded Zilla Vikas Parishad elections and said that he was happy that the elections were held in a peaceful manner and people came out to vote to strengthen democracy in Jammu and Kashmir.

“It is now up to the elected representatives to work for the people and people should also ask them for development,” he said. Regarding infiltration from low altitude areas in the winter on the Line of Control, he said that there are constant reports that 200 to 250 terrorists in PoK are in infiltration.

“They will try to use inclement weather for infiltration but the security forces are keeping an eye on infiltration directly from LoC in Kashmir and infiltration from areas south of Pir Panjal,” he said. Deployment on LOC is strong and surveillance equipment is in place at many levels. ”

“To divert the attention of our people from internal issues, Pakistan can increase the tension on the border even in the winter season by infiltrating militants or violating the ceasefire,” the army commander said. In both the situations we are ready and will give a befitting reply to any such daring.”

Top army officials are referring to the internal political unrest in the event in which the coalition of 11 political parties – the Pakistan Democratic Movement – gave the Imran Khan government time to resign by 31 January next year.

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