
NGT orders firecracker ban in poor air quality states till 30 November

New Delhi : In view of the increasing air pollution in Delhi-NCR, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has taken a big decision. The NGT, while giving its order on Monday, prohibited the firecrackers till 30 November in Delhi-NCR. The court has said in its order that in other states where the air quality is poor or at a dangerous level, firecrackers will be banned.

While hearing on the level of pollution in Delhi-NCR, the NGT issued an order regarding the use of firecrackers all over the country. The NGT said that the sale and use of firecrackers will be banned from November 9-30 in areas where AQI is bad, very bad and serious, but where air quality is correct or moderate, firecrackers can be allowed.

The NGT said that there will be a complete ban on the sale and use of firecrackers in NCR from midnight of 9th to 30th November. The ban will be reviewed after 30 November. There will be a ban on firecrackers in all such cities, where the average AQI will be at a bad or dangerous level this November as compared to last year’s figures.

The NGT said in its order that only green crackers will be sold in cities where AQI level is at moderate or fine level in November as compared to last year. Firecrackers will be used for only two hours on Deepawali. Apart from this, crackers will not be burst on any other day.

Significantly, the Delhi government had also banned the operation of green firecrackers, but states like Uttar Pradesh and Haryana had not issued any order banning firecrackers at present. On the other hand, the Ministry of Environment had said that at present, they do not have any such study that can be clear that after the use of firecrackers, the corona case will increase further.

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