
Human civilization will end if the trend of gender check is not stopped

New Delhi : Expressing concern over the growing cases of fetal screening in the womb, the Punjab-Haryana High Court said that if this trend is not stopped, one day human civilization is going to end. The High Court said that despite the stringent law, it is not controlled. Because of which the girl child in the womb is deprived of the constitutional right to equality.

An FIR was registered against Hasan, the ultrasound center operator, for checking the gender of the unborn child in the womb at Nagina police station in Mewat. The High Court was told that on the basis of secret information, the police made a fake customer and sent it to the petitioner. The accused did an ultrasound of the fake customer and in the meantime the police raided and arrested him with LCD and notes. Now the petitioner has approached the High Court to avoid arrest.

Accused Hassan said that none of his complaints had come in the past and no ultrasound machine was recovered, so the provisions of the Sex Test Act in the womb would not apply. The court said that gender screening is a disease that is continuously affecting society. Desire for male children is an open truth. Female feticide is the destruction of a future woman. The High Court rejected the plea, saying that prenatal sex screening deprives a girl child from entering the world. A civilized society cannot allow this.

When the team of police and doctors raided, it was found that there was no ultrasound machine in the center. In the name of ultrasound, the gel was applied to the abdomen only to show off. In fact, they were shown a video pre-recorded on the LCD. On this basis, the petitioner said that a case would not be made on him. The High Court said that the petitioner has told the gender by taking money even though there was no machine but he cannot escape this argument.

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