
Youth will have to stay single for a long time, know what will be the effect of corona

New Delhi : To understand what will be the effect of coronavirus after a long time, US experts have analyzed about 90 studies. After the analysis, experts have published a research paper and have warned about how the coronavirus will change society. Experts say that due to the epidemic, the youth will have to stay single for longer.

Experts have said that the birth rate will decrease, people will remain single for more time and women will sexualize themselves more. Experts say that people who are not infected with corona, their lives will also change due to corona.

Experts say that there will be a reduction in planned pregnancy due to the epidemic. People will delay getting married and have children. Due to this, the population of some countries may be reduced.

Experts say that due to low birth rates, society and economy will also be affected. Resources for job prospects and care of the elderly will be less. Due to the lockdown, more work has to be done in the houses and this will also increase the gender inequality.

University of California psychologist and research writer Marty Hazelton says that the impact of corona on society will be prolonged and the longer the epidemic lasts, the greater the impact. The total number of corona cases in the world has exceeded 42 million.

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