
Is it possible that a woman already pregnant can again be pregnant?

New Delhi : Can a woman be pregnant once during pregnancy? Even if it sounds strange but it can happen. This state of being pregnant twice is called Superfetation. Although cases of superfitness are very rare, but the possibility of this cannot be ruled out.

Superfetation occurs when a second pregnancy occurs during pregnancy. In this, a few days or weeks after the start of first pregnancy, the pregnant woman comes in contact with the egg sperm and fertilizes again, due to which the new pregnancy starts. Children born from superfetation are often considered twins because they are born together or on a single day.

Superfetation occurs mostly in many animals such as fish, rabbit. It is very unlikely in women. Most cases of superfetation occur in women taking IVF treatment. Pregnancy occurs through sperm fertilized eggs. A second egg is fertilized in superfetation and implanted separately in the womb.

Superfetation occurs when a woman ovulates during pregnancy. However, this is not possible because the hormones released during pregnancy inhibit further ovulation. That is why usually such cases do not come up. Once pregnancy occurs, there is not enough space for the other fetus in the uterus, so superfetation is not easily possible.

During fertility treatment, the fertilized fetus is transferred to the woman’s uterus. If a woman ovulates even a few weeks after this procedure and her eggs get fertilized, then a state of superficiality is created.

Symptoms of Superfetation – There are very few cases of superfetation, so no specific symptoms have been found. In this situation, during the checkup, the doctor only comes to know that the development of a twin fetus in the womb is taking place at different times. The position of both embryos is clearly visible during the ultrasound.

Difficulty in Superfetation – The biggest problem of superfetation is that during pregnancy, the development of children takes place at different stages. As if the delivery time of one child has arrived, while the other fetus has not developed properly by this time. This makes the chances of premature birth of another child more likely.

Children born premature can have problems like breathing, weight loss, difficulty in feeding and even brain hemorrhage. Pregnant women can also have problems like high blood pressure and diabetes in superfetation. To avoid this condition, avoid having sex after pregnancy.

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