
Remembering Dr. Kalam : Do You Know Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Was Not Married But He Had Three Sons?

New Delhi : Former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, is known globally as ‘Missile Man’. Born on 15 October 1931, Dr. Kalam, youth and children of the country still consider him as their role model. The country will always remember his contribution. Dr. Kalam’s life has always been a source of inspiration for the people, Kalam has proved that a person becomes great by his actions and knowledge and not by clothes and money.

Dr. Kalam became the first President of the country. He used to write inspirational things on social media for the youth, new scientists and children. The whole world knows that Kalam Saheb, the very favorite of children, spent his whole life alone, he did not marry nor expanded his family, but the most interesting thing is that he had three children.

This was revealed during an interview when asked about his personal life. In fact, once in Rashtrapati Bhavan, Kalam Saheb was surrounded by children. At the same time, a foreign journalist who came to interview him asked that you do not have any children of your own, yet you love children so much? Hearing the journalist’s question, Kalam saheb smiled and said with great decency that no you are wrong, I have three children. Everyone was surprised to hear this answer of Kalam saheb, but when he said whole thing in detail, everyone’s eyes were proud with happiness and pride, because Kalam said that you do not know I have three sons, whose names are Prithvi, Agni and BrahMos.

APJ Abdul Kalam, born on 15 October 1931 in Rameshwar in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India, his full name was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. Born in a fisherman’s house, Kalam Saheb’s childhood was spent in extreme deprivation. Mathematics and physics were his favorite subjects. Kalam loved education so much that he used to gather money for his studies by selling newspapers at the bus stand.

Kalam did his studies from St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli. He was made the President of India in the year 2002. He used to love children very much and even on his last day, he was with children. Dr. Kalam e died in Shillong on July 27, 2015, he went for a lecture at IIM Shillong, during which he suffered a heart attack.

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