
Wikipedia’s Design Is Going To Change After 10 Years

Mumbai : Wikipedia’s desktop interface has not been changed for the last 10 years. There is no specific change seen in it for a long time. Now preparations are being made to redesign it. The biggest change will be seen in the table of contents. Because after the design change, you will be able to access the list by tapping on the table of contents. This will make it easier to know different aspects of an article.

In new changes of Wikipedia, the sidebar provided in the desktop interface will be able to collapse by clicking on the hamburger icon. To change the language, one click button will be given, through which you can change the language with one click while reading the article.

Search tool of Wikipedia will get a better search option in the new interface of Wikipedia. However, the company has made it clear that during the design change, no content and features will be tampered with and they will remain the same.

According to Wikipedia, the company wants that Wikipedia can be arranged in a better way, so that people can find it easier to find content. You can know about the changes being made in Wikipedia by going to the page The company is preparing the desktop interface according to the modern web page. The Wikipedia Foundation has said that these changes will be seen in the long time. Testing of new features will be possible, but the completely new interface will go live by the end of next year

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