
Saudi Arabia Gives Permission For Hajj Pilgrimage, Will Soon Start Online App For Hajis

Dubai: Saudi Arabia has issued details of the permission granted for all-year visits to Mecca. This type of pilgrimage apart from Hajj is called Umrah. Umrah has been banned for the past seven months due to Coronavirus.

Hajj and Umrah Minister Mohammad Saleh said that public health is our top priority. A three-phase plan is being studied before starting Umrah. Under this, in the first phase, only Saudi citizens and migrants living here will be allowed.

In the second phase it will be increased from 40 percent to 75 percent, and then in the third phase full capacity will be restored and finally Hajis from outside the country will be allowed. The Ministry said, strict health precautions will be implemented during all three phases.

Important steps are being taken to avoid congestion and ensure that physical distance guidelines are followed. In a virtual seminar, the minister did not say when the yatra would begin and how many people would be allowed at one time. Every year millions of Muslims reach Mecca for Hajj, but this time Muslims from other countries could not go to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj. On Monday, Saudi Arabia also relaxed some restrictions on international flights for the first time in six months.

Despite taking initial and comprehensive measures to prevent corona infection, more than 3,30,000 cases of corona have been reported in Saudi Arabia, while more than 4,500 patients have died.

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