
Seven killed in suicide attack in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu

New Delhi: Seven people have died on Saturday in a suicide attack at an ice cream shop in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Al-Shabaab, the Islamic terrorist organization associated with Al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack happened just hours after the visit of US acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. Christopher Miller arrived in Mogadishu to meet the US Ambassador and military personnel.

Somalia government spokesman Salah Umar Hasan has confirmed the suicide attack. According to the government, seven people have died in this brutal suicide attack, while eight people have been badly injured.

Al-Shabaab terrorist organization has been carrying out terrorist attacks in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu before. The terrorist organization Al-Shabaab also carried out a terrorist attack in the capital Mogadishu in August this year. The terrorists had targeted a famous hotel on the seashore.

Security forces retaliated and confronted the terrorists. Firing continued on both sides for five hours. Eventually the security forces liberated the hotel from the clutches of terrorists. At least 16 people, including a police officer, were killed and dozens were injured in this terrorist attack.

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