
Babri Masjid Demolition Case : CBI Court Verdict Today, High Alert In UP

New Delhi : High alert has been issued in the entire state in view of the decision of the Special CBI Court on the disputed structure demolition in Ayodhya on Wednesday. An additional 70 company PACs have been deployed in all sensitive districts for security management. Police captains of the districts have been instructed to make security arrangements by implementing sector arrangements.

Special CBI court will give verdict on Wednesday (Sep. 30) in Ayodhya’s Babri Masjid demolition case. After the long wait of 28 years, this decision is coming from all over the country. In this case, 49 people have been accused. Of this, 17 have died. A total of 32 people, including Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader LK Advani, Murali Manohar Joshi, Kalyan Singh, Uma Bharti are accused in this. In the Babri demolition case, an FIR was registered against a total of 49 people. Of these, 17 have passed away. 
Lawyers for the CBI and the accused have filed a written debate of about 800 pages. Earlier, CBI has produced 351 witnesses and more than 600 documentary evidence. Therefore, the decision of the court may also be about two thousand pages.

On September 30, 2019, Surendra Kumar Yadav retired from the post of District Judge, Lucknow, but the service was extended till the Supreme Court gave his verdict. The final decision of the tenure of Special Judge Surendra Kumar Yadav will be taken on September 30. According to CBI lawyer Lalit Singh, this is the longest trial of any case in his judicial life. He has been hearing the case since 2015.

Here, in the old High Court premises, strong security arrangements have been made. The Central Bar Association has also requested lawyers to refrain from visiting the old premises of the High Court. Also, parking of vehicles in the old premises is also forbidden. Under the alternative arrangement, parking will be in front of the telecom building.

These key accused are no longer alive
Bal Thackeray, Acharya Giriraj Kishore, Vishnu Hari Dalmia and Vijayaraje Scindia have passed away.

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