
Here’s easy recipe to make Japanese food ‘Teriyaki Chicken’, Read in just one click

New Delhi : Today we’ve brought you an international dish at your request. This recipe is basically from Japan. We know Japan for two reasons. The first is, every Japanese citizen has a distinct kaizen tendency (constant pursuit of progress) and secondly their social, political, cultural as well as trade relations with other countries.

Teriyaki Chicken is a very popular dish in Japanese cuisine. Definitely try it once in a lifetime.

Ingredients –
500g chicken wings
2 tablespoons white sesame
1/2 tbsp black pepper powder (optional)
4 tablespoons oil

Ingredients to Marinate Chicken –
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 table garlic paste
1/2 tablespoon black pepper powder

Ingredients for making Teriyaki Sauce: –
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons rice bran wine (optional)

If you are ready with these ingredients, start making it…
– If you find ready made teriyaki sauce, you can also use it.

– First, wash the chicken wings, add vinegar, garlic paste and black pepper powder and marinate it for 10-12 minutes.

– In a bowl, combine soy sauce, sugar and water until the chicken wings get marinated.

– Now heat oil in a pan and fry the marinated chicken wings till it turns golden brown on both sides.

– Now add teriyaki sauce to the fried chicken wings and cook until the gravy is well glazed. Then add black pepper powder and white sesame seeds and cook for 4-5 minutes.

Your Teriyaki chicken dish is ready to eat.

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