
NASA rover successfully touches down on the red planet Mars

New Delhi : US space agency ‘NASA’ has created another history by sending Mars Persistence Rover to Mars. NASA has successfully landed his Mars Persistence Rover at the Jezero Crater at around 2.30 pm. This six-wheeled rover will gather many kinds of information from Mars and will bring such rocks, which will answer the questions whether there was ever life on the red planet.

Jezero Crater is the most inaccessible terrain of Mars. There are deep valleys, and big mountains here. Along with this, sand dunes and big stones here make it even more dangerous. America has become the first country in the world to send the highest rover on Mars. It is believed that the river first flowed in the Jezero crater which was later met with a lake. After this, there was a fan shaped delta.

Through this, scientists will try to find out if there was ever life on Mars. Scientists believe that if there had ever been life on Mars, it would have been three to four billion years ago, when water was present on Mars.

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