
Now dreams can be hacked, MIT researchers develop device to control your dreams

New Delhi : You all have dreams but you can not control them. You cannot constantly get a good dream even if you want to. Or can not get control over any nightmares. But in the future, it is possible that you can control your dream, that too by wearing a small device in your hand. That is, you can see your good dreams for a long time and remove the bad dreams. American scientists are busy making such devices.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are trying to hack your dream. For this, the device is being made in MIT’s Dream Lab. With the help of which you will be able to hack your dream, can change it and have complete control over it. That is, you will own the content of your dreams.

Researcher Adam Horowitz of MIT Dream Lab said that a part of his life goes into dreaming. If you control these dreams, then their personality will further improve. You will not be disturbed in the morning by a nightmare. Many times, nightmares leave their impact on the brain for a long time. We hope that this will also increase the capacity of the human mind.

The name of this device is Dorimo. It is worn in the palms like a glove. There are many types of sensors in it. Dorimo examines the sleeping human’s condition. It detects whether the sleeping person is in conscious or subconscious state. When a person lives in the middle of it, it is called Hypnagogia. Now its trial has been done on 50 people. Further changes are yet to be made in this device.

Dorimo helps to control the pictures and sensations that are formed in the brain of a sleeping human in Hypnagogia. In the condition of Hypnagogia, humans see good pictures, that is, dreams come at this time. He can hear voices or feel the events. Many times in this situation, a person does such things which he has actually done, or aspires to do.

There are pre-recorded messages inside the Dorimo device. These devices were used on 50 people. Like a word Tiger was heard from the device to all. After this, Tiger came in the dreams of all these people. With the help of this device, again, the ways, effects and changes of dreaming of these 50 people were noticed.

Tor Nilsson, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Montreal, said that this is a great device. Everyone wants to live their dream, wants to control them. You can fly, sing, roam or have sex with the help of this device. Due to this, the visions seen will be more clear and virtual than virtual realty.

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