
Farmers Protest : Chakka jam across the country today, Police force ready for all situations

New Delhi : There have been protests across the country over the past few months over the agricultural laws. Farmers are protesting day and night on the Ghazipur border. Hundreds of farmers are present here. In the meantime, farmers have called for ‘Chakka Jam’ across the country today. Police administration is also on alert regarding this so that no untoward incident like Republic Day recur. Apart from Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, farmers have announced chakka jam across the country today.

During this time essential services like ambulances and school buses will not be stopped. Chakka jam will start at 12 noon and will end by ringing the vehicle horn for one minute at three o’clock.

Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal said, “When the farmers hold a three-hour nationwide shutdown on national and state highways peacefully from 12 noon to 3 pm on January 6, the Congress will extend its full support.

Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait has said that there will be no jam in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. But, one lakh farmers from UP and Uttarakhand have been placed on standby. Rakesh Tikait said, “The call for Chakka Jam was not withdrawn, but a slight alteration in the program. Farmers of UP and Uttarakhand will visit their Tehsil and District Headquarters to submit a memorandum to the authorities. In the memorandum the three new agricultural laws Laws on withdrawal and MSP will be demanded. Farmers have been appealed to carry out the program peacefully.”

There will be no traffic jam in Delhi, NCR with UP and Uttarakhand. But Delhi Police has given instructions to remain on alert. Delhi Police has instructed 12 metro stations that they should be ready to close the metro station on short notice. Police have instructed the metro station located in New Delhi area to take special vigilance. Farmer organizations have announced not to block traffic in Delhi and NCR on one side. But the Delhi Police say that their preparedness to face any situation is complete.

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