
Maharashtra Government approves proposal to stop train and flights between Delhi-Mumbai

Mumbai : In view of the increasing cases of corona in Delhi, the Maharashtra government can now temporarily shut down the movement of flights and trains coming from Delhi. Discussion is going on in the Maharashtra ministry since Friday afternoon. However, nothing has been officially revealed about this yet. On the other hand, the Ministry of Railways has described this news as completely baseless. Railways have said that they have not taken any such decision.

However, it has also been said by the government that if the decision is taken, people will be given 48 hours. On Friday morning, the Maharashtra CM spoke to the officials, during which it was proposed that Corona cases have increased considerably in Delhi. There is also a lot of movement of people between Delhi and Mumbai. Therefore, to prevent corona, traffic between the two states should be stopped. After which the Maharashtra CM has directed to take forward the proposal.

Decision can be taken in view of Corona
Maharashtra is also seeing an increase in corona cases since Diwali. In addition to Mumbai-Pune, Jalgaon is also witnessing an increase in corona cases. In such a situation, the administration is already ready so that the situation does not go out of control. Apart from this, the way Corona cases are increasing in Delhi, it can cause problems for Maharashtra and Mumbai. In view of this, the Maharashtra government can take this decision. There is also a possibility that the Maharashtra government may take a decision on the movement of airplanes and trains by this evening.

Maharashtra government can send proposal
In this regard, the Maharashtra government can send a proposal to the concerned ministries. In which it can mention that in view of the threat of Corona, the train services coming from Delhi to Mumbai and air traffic should be stopped. It will also be interesting to see what decision the Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Railways take on this proposal of the Maharashtra government.

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